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Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez von lomarraco

Userbild von lomarraco
Ort / Land:
25430 Juneda / España
Aquarium Hauptansicht von Me equivocaria otra vez

Beschreibung des Aquariums

Läuft seit:
130x50x50 = 325 Liter
Letztes Update:


Sirocco-Urne Aquarium 8 mm. Vorherige optischem Glas. Aufgedeckt. Heck-und Seitenscheiben gestrichenes Papier mit glänzend schwarz

substrate and rocks (10.01.2013)
initial planting (18.01.2013)
first weeks
March 2013, overview
May 2013, left view
May 2013, right view
May 2013, detail of the right corner, with new Cryptocorynes
May 2013 overview
August 2013




- Power Sand, New Amazon 5 cm Höhe an der Front.

- Rear JBL Manado um bis zu 16 cm erhöht, und mit New Amazonia

Rocks: licorella Porrera (Slate)


- Riccia fluitans

- Ceratophyllum demersum

- Microsorum pteropus

- Microsorum pteropus var. ???Narrow???

- Cryptocoryne wendtii var. ???Green???

- Cryptocoryne wendtii var. ???Brown

- Cryptocoryne pygmaea

- Cryptocoryne willisii

- Cryptocoryne parva

- Cryptocoryne costata

- Cryptocoryne nevillei

- Cryptocoryne undulata

- Cryptocoryne balansae "Red Lucanas"

- Cryptocoryne albida

- Cryptocoryne ciliata

- Cryptocoryne spiralis

- Cryptocoryne petchii

- Limnophila sessiliflora.

March 2013, Riccia fluitans
March 2013, Elechoaris acicularis
March 2013, Microsorum pteropus narrow
June 2013, Cryptocoryne balansae, right rear corner
June 2013, Cryptocorine neviellii the background
June 2013, Cryptocoryne willisii
June 2013, Cryptocorine albida, left rear corner
June 2013, Cryptocorine costata,  does not fit well
Juny 2013 Cryptocorine ondulata
Juny 2013 Cryptocorine parva
Jun 2013 Cryptocorine wendtii Brow
June 2013 cryptocorine wendtii green
Pflanzen im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Pflanzen im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Pflanzen im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Pflanzen im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Pflanzen im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez

Weitere Einrichtung:

6 Röhren von 35 mm Gummischlauch zum Verstecken Fisch. Als Ersatz für Stein Schiefer vertikal. Insgesamt 1 Meter Schlauch.

March 2013, central detail
March 2013, view Left
March 2013,left view
Augost 2013
Augost 2013



Zenith Bildschirm:

2 X OSRAM T5 Leuchtstoffröhre Tageslicht, 54 W/865

2 X Neonlicht AQUA-LIGHT 2 10 000 54 W, 10.000 ° K.

Photoperiode: 12.00 bis 00.00 Uhr Licht-Timer. Led blaues Mondlicht von 00.00 bis 08.00 Uhr.



- 1. EHEIM 2215, 620 l / h. Biofiltrede Keramik, 3 Schwämme und Baumwolle. Nachdem Problem mit Braunalgen: JBL Silikat Ex wird auch als Filtermaterial verwendet in diesem Sommer-

- 2. EHEIM 2215, 620 l / h. Während des Sommers und angesichts der Ungleichgewichte, die aufgetreten sind, führen wir eine zweite Filtereinheit Unterstützung. In der zweiten Einheit die Filtermaterialien sind, Keramik Biofilter und 450 Gramm Aktivkohle XUPRA. Die objecctiu reduzieren Trihalomethan Inhalte, die Vermeidung Spitzen Nitrite.

-3- Eheim Lamp UV 9 w,

Weitere Technik:

- Die Injektion von CO2 in den Kanister mit Licht Photoperiode. Die Injektion von Luft-- --Kompressor in dunklen Photoperiode

- Heizung: Eheim 319. 300 W

Weitere Einrichtungen au??erhalb des Aquarium:

- Water Purifer compact Ro Unit

- Präzisionswaage

- 5-Liter-Glasrohr mit einem Kompressor und Diffusor Stein für den Anbau von Artemia

Zenith Bildschirm 2 54 W/865 OSRAM T5 Leuchtstoffröhre Tageslicht, Neonlicht AQUA-LIGHT
Eheim 319. 300 W
Technik im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
injeccio de CO2 1
pressure reducer
bubble counter
Technik im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
the filter in the cabinet below the tank
filter material: sponge, perlon, in addition to ceramic biofilter
recovered an old balance to prepare solutions to fertilize
test to determine the consumption of fertilizers
Macros, NPK
oak leaves to reduce the pH
Water used in the home network, for water changes. It is necessary to eliminate chlorine
to win the war with algae
used in very low doses, to balance the Ca / Mg


Colisa chuna 2

Danio margaritatus 24

Borara merah 21

Botia striata 5

Botia kubotai 10

Pangio khulii 10

Colisa chuna 1
Colisa chuna 2
Who ate the shrimp? Botia striata or Botia kubotai, They are a team!!!!
Botia kubotai
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Besatz im Aquarium Me equivocaria otra vez
Borara merah 2
Danio margaritatus 1
Danio margaritatus , in action


GH: 10

KH: 4

PH: 6, 5-6, 8

NO3: 5 mg / l

PO4: 0, 2 mg / l

K: 35 mg/l

Fe: 0.10-0, 25 mg/l

25 ° C


1. Frozen food: Blood worms, Ocean Nutrition

2. Dry food: Spirulina, Sera

3. Dry Food: Tropical wafers, Ocean Nutricion

4. Frozen food: Brine Shrimp, Ocean Nutricion

5. Dry Food: Gammarus, Dajana

6. Live food: nauplii of artemia

7. Live food: Snails, Planorvis tuberculata

8. Feed plant 1: peas, chard, garlic, carrot, lettuce and gelatine, preserved frozen

9. Dry food: Tubifex cubes, JBL

10. Dry Food: Atyson Betta started, Ocean Nutrition

11. Dry Food: Blood worms, Sera

12. Lettuce

13. Dry food: Sera Vipan

Monday: 13, 12, 9

Tuesday: 13, 6, 8, 5

Wednesday: 6, 8, 11

Thursday: 13, 2, 4

Friday: 10, 8, 7

Saturday: 13, 2, 1

Sunday: 10, 8, 3

Kultivierung von Artemia-Nauplien Verdünnen mit 28 g Kochsalz ohne Jod in 1 Liter Wasser, sondern mit Luft Kompressor. Fügen Sie Eier Artemia Ozean Nutricon. Die Eier brüten in 48 Stunden.

Wachsende Schnecken planorvis: in 5 Liter frisches Wasser, mit Lymnophyla, Lectuca sativa und einem Schwamm Filter.


Video Botia kubotai von lomarraco (w8CnZrzYxwQ)


25% Wasser wechselt wöchentlich

Der Wasseraustausch, ca. 70% Wasser Heimnetzwerk, 30% Wasser Osmose

Wasserverdunstung: 100% zugesetztem Wasser Osmose

Chlor wird eliminiert: Na2S2O3, Verdünnung 100 g / l. Ein Tropfen entfernt Chlor Verdünnung auf 1 Liter Wasser.


CO2-Blasen 100 Minuten für 10 Stunden täglich


Tests für die Wasseranalytik:

- NO3, PO4, pH 6-7.6 de JBL, K de Salifert, Fe de Tetra (2 mal pro Woche)

- Sera Gh, Kh von Prodac (nach Wasserwechsel). Sera Mg (gelegentlich)

- Analytische gelegentlich nach der Medikation: NT Labs Nitrit, NH4 Aqua; Salifert Cu.


- Chemische Verbindungen: Kaliumnitrat (KNO3) für befruchten, Kaliumsulfat (K2SO4) für befruchten, Casement Verdünnungen Enema (Mononatriumphosphat NaH2PO4) / Monokaliumphosphat (KH2PO4) für befruchten, Natriumthiosulfat (Na2SO2) zum Entfernen von Chlor aus dem Wasser, Kaliumcarbonat (K2CO3) für Korrekturen von Kh , Magnesium-Sulfat (MgSO4) für Korrekturen von Gh, Calciumsulfat (CaSO4) für Korrekturen von Gh



- Leaf Quercus faginea (gesammelt Montsec)

- Alder Kegel (gesammelt in den Ufern des Flusses Nogera Ribagorçana)

- Flourish Excel 7.5 mL Tage


Verbrauch schätzt macrofertilitzants Tag:

Kaliumnitrat (56 Gramm / Liter): 30 ml Tage

Kaliumsulfat (56 auflösung Gramm / Liter): 10 ml Tage

Casen Enema (verdünnt auf 2%): 15 ml Tag.


  Ferropol alternative Hortrilon alle 10 Tage. 1/2 Dosen


Arzneimittel (so far):

. 1 Behandlung mit Erythromycin (gegen columnaris)

- 1 Behandlung mit Malachitgrün (gegen ichthyo)

- 1 äu??erliche Behandlung mit Kupfersulfat für Algen schweren Angriff

Filterung mit Aktivkohle nach der Medikation.

Infos zu den Updates

10/01/2013: placement of gravel and solid

18/01/2013: Initially planted

25/01/2013 Ammonia downward, peak nitrite


17/06/2013 Adaptation of the aquarium to the recommendations: Strong thinning of cryptocorines, removal of the right vertical flat slate. After thinning cryptocorines, there???s an area of pasture plants for different botias taking advantage later for the installation of traps, withdrawal of 4 Crossochelius and 1 Gyroncheilus

27/06/2013 Replacement of a lamp Neonlicht AQUA-LIGHT 2 10 000 54 W, 10.000 ° K., for F54T5/830 Sylvania 54W 3000K T5 48 Linear Fluorescent Tube Lamp, in the back. I maintained on one of the 10000 K lamps, in the front (where Riccia, planted in the front at the end is more abundant.) the water column is here about 45 cm, and the blue light with shorter wavelength has a better penetration. According to the developments , I will consider substituting the other 10000 Klamp. The traps have worked, I captured 3 Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. I am implementing the dietary changes. I have grown brine shrimp and snails (Planorvis tuberculata). Plant feed is made with peas, chard, garlic, carrot, lettuce and gelatine, preserved frozen-

06/07/2013 I captured all the Crossocheilus. But I don???t know if it???s due to the changes in the light spectrum, or the changes in the flora and fauna, the aquarium is now imbalanced.

: (

1. Ichthyophthirius attack on Iriaterina, which has been successfully treated with Malachite Green. And then I cleaned the Malachite Green with an activated carbon filtration. All the other fish species seem to have liked the changes, better coloring and activity.

2. Proliferation of brown algae on the leaves of Microsorum and Cryptocorynes. The analytical shows that the daily needs of phosphates have doubled, even after 3 days after the removal of the activated carbon filter. Suggestions to address this problem are welcomed. My intention is to extend photoperiod for two hours, increase the doses of CO2, and correct the phosphate deficits. (In short, make plants do the work!) I'll check if there is an imbalance Ca / Mg

21/07/2013. Algae persist. Working hard to control brown algae:

1. Extending the photoperiod to 12 hours

2. Daily control of the parameters of water and fertilizer correction

3. Water Changes: 80% RO water, 20% water from the house network. Subsequently kH measurement and adjustment to a value of 4 with calcium carbonate and up to 12 gH with magnesium sulfate

4. Incorporation of fast-growing plants (Ceratophyllum demersum in surface)

5. Increase of CO2 concentration

6. Riccia fluitans have problems with copper sulfate. I extract the anchor stones to clean and maintained the Riccia at surface.

7. Clean filter and aquarium walls

8.Microsorum is plated with copper sulfate dilution outside the aquarium

9. Fertilization of Cryptocorynes with pills background with Crypto TetraPlant

Finally, and much to my regret, I decide to skip one of the recommendations made: Change the fish populations of the aquarium, reintroduction of the 5 Crossocheilus, and addition of 5 more Crossocheilus.

I make this decision because the aquarium does not have any algae consumer, invertebrates are incompatible with botias, 90% of the fitomasse is slow growth.. Under these conditions, any algae attack can become a serious problem for my plants.

After checking the morphological characteristics of these fish, (http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/search/crossocheilus) 2 of the older fish specimens appear to correspond to Crossocheilus atrilimes, while others have a size much greater. The new 5 Crossocheilus purchased were chosen considering that their characteristics, individuals without visible barbels. Crossocheilus seem atrilimes, but I'm not sure, we will see how they grow.

Take to complete the purchase, Botia striata populations.

The tank overpopulation is solved with moving Iriatherina werneri and Pseudomugil gertrudae in a other aquarium.

27/07/2013 Brown algae persist, in the morning the infestation is high:

- Remove floating plants to give more light to the bottom of the aquarium.

- Treatment with glutaraldehyde (triple dose)

- Microsorum cleaning with chlorinated water to the outside of the aquarium Pruning of affected leaves

- Installation of the filter JBL SilicatEx

At night, the improvement is obvious, I hope to evolve well

29/07/2013 Third day without appreciating a significant increase in the population of algae, the situation begins to be controlled

04/08/2013 The algae are still under control. Pruning Lymnophyla. Reintroduction of Riccia fluitans

14/08/2013 after fertilization, a new blossoming of brown algae/.

15/08/2013 Reset!!! removal of rocks, disinfection of solids, disinfection Microsorum, replanted, withdrawal crossocheilus siamensis (3)

adequacy of the tank for Botias:

- Sandy area

- Less angular stones are selected and leave the bottom flat

- Riccia leaving only in surface

- Selection new plants cryptocorynes with harder leaves :. C ciliata, C. spiralis, C petchii.

- Installed. The second filter, with ceramic tubes to prevent an increase in nitrited, and give more movement in the water

Currently the plant is quite chaotic!

20/08/2013 The possibility that brown algae outbreaks are related to organic materials from the water of the water network. In Spain chlorine used to purify water. Activated carbon is incorporated in a second filtering unit, mainly to reduce trihalomethanes. If this was the cause of brown algae no point maintaining a high population of both Crossocheilus. Not sure if this will be enough to solve the problem, because you could have all the contaminated substrate of the aquarium. But before changing the gravel I hope if I can solve the problem.

The intention is to maintain the activated carbon filter with ANTICHLORINE adding up to disappear completely brown algae. The other option would be to replace the clay substrate, which is the transplantation of all Cryptocorines, I will try to avoid

22/9/2013 Now brown algae, solely I come to the glass, just on the base of the substrate, but not put on the plants that have recovered well. It returns to the original radiation, with two fluorescent 10, 000 K instead of 830/10000. I need short-wave light to keep Riccia fluitans to the bottom of the aquarium as upholstery. Large Cryptos and plants flotans, they shaded the fish. With the change of radiation there was a peak unicelulars-green algae has been incorporated UV lamp, and two days the water has been completely transparent.


Alle Antworten einblenden
Falk am 04.10.2013 um 09:05 Uhr
Bewertung: 10

Buenos Diaz

Un hermoso acuario, y un muy buen trabajo.

Le deseo todo lo mejor con esta cuenca continúa!

Saludos, Falk

Trooper am 05.06.2013 um 20:06 Uhr
Bewertung: 9


nice Tank but i prefer the look with not sooooo much plants because the stones look very great!!

Greats Patrick

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