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Plantes en cultiu submergit von lomarraco (24)

Plantes en cultiu submergit von lomarraco (24)
Pflanzenbild aus dem Einrichtungsbeispiel 'tercera conca'
Plantes en cultiu emergit (dreta). Sobre arrels vermelles
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Ficus pumilla
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Among the plant species chosen few are used commonly in aquarofilia. Here some acidophilic species from the Southeast Asia were selected, such as Microsorum pteropus, Ceratopteris cornuta . Others are plants that are sold as ornamental. Among the latter, species native to the jungles of Borneo were chosen, such as and Bucephalandra, Nepenthes, Asplenium . To get a more natural effect and so they start to root on the walls and on the red roots, Asian moss was included, for example, Java Moss [...]
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