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F1 female holding eggs von Björn (Slavi) (8)

F1 female holding eggs von Björn (Slavi) (8)
Besatzbild aus dem Einrichtungsbeispiel 'Tanganyika Deepwaters 2'
F1 female holding eggs
Vorheriges Bild
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Nächstes Bild
Cyphotilapia gibberosa "Mikula" - Started with 16 young F1 animals (4-6cm) - Selected 8 females when the grew up and added a WF male to the group Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head "Mutondwe" - The Wild Caught couple died when the aquarium was moved and they had to wait for me setting op the aquarium again :'( - I did however manage to buy another WF male that looks like the brother of the former male. - I also have 8 young Gold Heads from a nest of [...]
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