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Aquarium Tanganyika Deepwaters 2 von Björn (Slavi)

Userbild von Björn (Slavi)
Ort / Land:
Rotterdam / The Netherlands
Aquarium 200 x 80 x 70

Beschreibung des Aquariums

Läuft seit:
02-2016 - ...
200 x 80 x 70 = 1120 Liter
Letztes Update:


- This aquarium is the same as Tanganyika Deepwaters 1. It was moved to a new home in feb-2016 and therefore it needed to be re-decorated.

- I am planning to buy a larger aquarium and therefore this aquarium will be sold or dismantled.

Aquarium 200 x 80 x 70



Sand with gravel and small rocks


Keine Pflanzen because it is representing a more deeper part of the lake where plants do not grow (not enough light).

Weitere Einrichtung:

- Aquadecor back, - and sidewalls

- Same colour as the rocks



1 Kitelight LED strip

- 13 watt at 100%, set at max 80%.

- Sunrise and sunset

- 10.000K



- With bioballs to reduce sound and add oxygen


- 120x60x40cm for biological filtration

- Japanese matala mats

- Lava rock

- Alfagrog

- oyster shell for higher kH/gH

- Kinshi 8000 l/h pump

The Eheim 2260 that I used was not installed because I am planning to buy a larger aquarium where I will use it again.

Weitere Technik:

- Aqua Medic 300 watt titanium heater


Cyphotilapia gibberosa "Mikula"

- Started with 16 young F1 animals (4-6cm)

- Selected 8 females when the grew up and added a WF male to the group

Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head "Mutondwe"

- The Wild Caught couple died when the aquarium was moved and they had to wait for me setting op the aquarium again :'(

- I did however manage to buy another WF male that looks like the brother of the former male.

- I also have 8 young Gold Heads from a nest of the Wild Caught couple.

Neolamprologus leleupi

- 1 male

- The female died unfortunately but before she died they were able to raise a nest. Now I have a couple dozen of young leleupi's that will be removed as soon as the fish move to the bigger tank.

Synodontis granulosus

- 1 male / 1 female

Synodontis polli white Zambia

- 10 (male/female ratio unknown)

Mastacembelus tanganicae

- 1

- Mastacembelus is a risk with gibberosa but my gibberosa were too small to eat the eels.

- Now they have grown up they still don't attack or eat the eels.

Cyphotilapia gibberosa ´Mikula´ WF male
Cyphotilapia gibberosa ´Mikula´ WF male
Cyphotilapia gibberosa ´Mikula´ F1 Female
Cyphotilapia gibberosa ´Mikula´ F1 Female
F1 female holding eggs
F1 female holding eggs
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ WF
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 Male 1
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 Male 2
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 Female 1
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 Female 2
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 female 3
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1 Female 4
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head ´Mutondwe´ F1
Synodontis granulosus
Synodontis PWZ female
Synodontis PWZ female
Neolamprologus leleupi male with fry
Neolamprologus leleupi male
Neolamprologus leleupi male
Mastacembelus tanganicae



Tap water from the Netherlands is very well suited for Tanganyika so I don't have to prepare any water.


- Krill

- Mysis

- Artemia

- Mussel meat

- Naturefood Premium Cichlid M / Premium Color Plus M


Alle Antworten einblenden
Tom am 17.07.2017 um 08:57 Uhr


welcome here at us on Einrichtungsbeispiele.de.

You have really great aquariums. Very nice size and that will be even more? Wow!

Greetings, Tom.

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In diesem Einrichtungsbeispiel stellt unser Mitglied Björn (Slavi) das Aquarium 'Tanganyika Deepwaters 2' mit der Nummer 33932 vor. Das Thema 'Tanganjika' wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen durch den, bzw. die AquarianerIn umgesetzt und soll den gepflegten Tieren ein möglichst artgerechtes Leben ermöglichen.

Copyright der Fotos und Texte im Aquarium-Beispiel 'Tanganyika Deepwaters 2' mit der ID 33932 liegt ausschließlich beim User Björn (Slavi). Eine Verwendung der Bilder und Texte ist ohne Zustimmung des Users selbst nicht erlaubt.

Online seit dem 15.07.2017